mysql存储过程 & 触发器

Nov 10, 2016


        procedure for regedit a new account  
        	usr        : the username you want to use  
        	pwd        : the password you want to use,and it is encoded to char(32) by md5  
        	registtime : the time when regedit  
        	invitor    : the username of person that he invited you to regedit a new account  
        	authcode   : the necessary code for regedit that you get from your invitor  
        	res        : 0 authcode is wrong;1 username has been used by others;2 transaction error;3 succeed  
        to make our deepnote environment good,we hope that our users are good readers,so we use invite regedit method  
        that is to say,if you want to regedit successfully,  
        A. you should get a right authcode or called invitecode  
        B. your username has not been used by others  
    drop procedure if exists regedit;  
    delimiter //  
    create procedure regedit (in usr varchar(16),in pwd char(32),in registtime int(11),in invitor varchar(16),in authcode char(32),out res tinyint(1))  
        declare lastid int;  
        declare t_error int default 0;  
        declare continue handler for sqlexception set t_error=1;  
        start transaction;  
    	set res=0;  
    	if exists(select 1 from usertable where username=invitor and inviteauth=1 and invitecode=authcode limit 1)  
    		if exists(select 1 from usertable where username=usr limit 1)  
    			set res=1;  
    			insert into usertable (username,password,birthtime) values(usr,pwd,registtime);  
    			set lastid=LAST_INSERT_ID();  
    			insert into classifytable (userid) values(lastid);  
    			set res=3;  
    		end if;  
    	end if;  
    	if t_error=0 then  
            set res=3;  
            set res=2;  
        end if;  
    end //  
    delimiter ;  


    drop trigger if exists check_sailors;
    delimiter //
    create trigger check_sailors after insert on Sailors for each row
    	if exists(select * from Sailors 
    		where master is not NULL and master=NEW.master 
    		group by master having count(*)>2)
    		delete from Sailors where sid = NEW.sid limit 1;
    	end if;
    end //
    delimiter ;
    -- mysql5.6 don't support {commit, start transaction, rollback} in trigger  
    -- mysql5.6 don't support 'referencing NEW as N'  

对比一下 Postgresql 的存储过程,我写了一个转账的事务例子

    create or replace function transfer(
    	sender bigint, receiver bigint, amount numeric(20,2)
    	) returns boolean AS $$
    	update customer set balance = balance - amount where id = sender;
    	update customer set balance = balance + amount where id = receiver;
    	if exists(select 1 from customer where id = sender and balance < 0.00 limit 1) then
    	end if;
    	return True;
    $$ language plpgsql;